Posted by Talha Suleman : Talha Suleman Wednesday 31 December 2014

How to Create a Social Content Locker in Blogger 

How to Create a Social Content Locker in Blogger
How to Create a Social Content Locker in Blogger
Hi guys, it's me again with yet another cool tutorial on How to Create a Social Content Locker in Blogger Blog. Yes you read it right!! With this method you can lock any content of your blog with social buttons. Isn't it amazing ?? 

What is a Social Content Locker and Why to use it ?

Well, a Social Content Locker allows you to lock any part of your content on a webpage until a user clicks one the social buttons (Tweet, G+, Facebook Like). This way you get more tweets, likes, shares etc thus giving you huge exposure.
We all put social sharing buttons on our blog posts/ websites but do we get enough shares?? No we don't!! Only a small portion of our viewers help us by sharing our content while others don't consider it.

It's not the mistake of our viewers!! You should give them a reason to share or like your content, and this Social Content locker does the same for you. We will provide our viewers a reason to like or share our content and thus this will help us in getting huge traffic as well as exposure

Method to Create a Social Content Locker in Blogger Blog

There are dozens of such social content locker plugins for WordPress blogs but we don't have any plugins on blogger platform. Not to worry!! We have come up with one such great Locker which looks cool and stylish. And at the same time it will serve your purpose. 


  • Go to "Template" and click on "Edit HTML"
How to Create a Social Content Locker in Blogger Blog

  • Search for </head> and paste the following code Above it. This line adds jQuery library in our template. Most of the templates already come with it, so in that case you can skip this step.
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

  • Now again search for </head> and paste the following code Above it.  
How to Create a Social Content Locker in Blogger Blog
<link href='' rel='stylesheet'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
$('#default-usage .to-lock').sociallocker({
buttons: {order:["facebook-like","twitter-tweet","google-plus"]},
twitter: {url:""},
facebook: {url:""},
google: {url:""},
text: { header: "Like us To Unlock This Content",
message: "This content is locked. Like us on Facebook, Twitter or Google plus to unlock it." },
locker: {close: false, timer: 0,},
theme: "secrets"

  • Replace the links with your links where you want likes or shares.
  • This is just a one time setup. Whenever you want to show this locker in any of your blog post or page, just add this code in your HTML blog post editor. Replace ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE with your content which you want lock.
<article id="default-usage">
<div class="to-lock" style="display:none;">-- ADD YOUR CONTENT HERE --</div></article> 

Live Example Below!!

{ 1 Comments... read them below or add one }

  1. Brother this is work prefect in blogspot blogger but not working in blogger domain i add this on my site working good but not work in domain that are hosted on blogger site here not show


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