Smart phones have made life a lot easier but it made few task complicated too, specially if you aren’t familiar with the settings. At TnlSolution we bring you such 5 android settings to make your android user experience a lot better.

Many Duplicates & All Social Networks Show Up In Contact’s List

Contact’s is one of the pain areas specially for the users who aren’t very familiar with the way around this problem. though this problem is common among all smart phones including apple, blackberry we will focus on android settings. android tries to sync all contacts from Facebook,twitter, Gmail hence your contact list ends up looking long,extensive with many duplicates and specially if you were to make an urgent call scrolling through the endless contact list is the last thing you would like to do, fortunately there is a fix, we can manage the sources android syncs the contacts from, to make changes to sources click the Contacts tab.
Android settings
Hit your Menu button,(might have to select “more”) choose Display options. Here you can see the list of network’s android syncs contacts from, go ahead uncheck the one’s you don’t need, here you’l have options to sort contacts by first and last names. This android fix gives you control to manage how device should display contacts.

How Do I Control Volume For Different Functions

Usually manufacturers break down volume controls to manage them effectively, like incoming calls, notifications, alarms, media apps, and other functions. To manage these android settings head to settings -> sounds or display and sounds, this is the screen where you could select volume for each function, by default hardware manufacturers keep the incoming call,media, system tone below 80%
Android settings
if you would like you can increase the volume to maximum from here, if you don’t like the beep sound for every selection you make you can disable that too from this settings screen look for “audible selection”, you could also manage notification volume from this screen, also learn about 5 best custom rom to know more about tweaking hardware settings to improve performance

Web Pages Take’s Too Long To Load

We all love to browse web via phone it makes life more mobile and easy however some times web pages take too long to load or some times they don’t load at all, most of the times its the flash that causes the problem. flash comes in different flavors ranging from ads to some useful information, the best way to deal around this problem is to tell browser to load flash only on demand to enhance web experience on your mobile device.
Android settings
To get this android fix launch browser from menu button click on more and select settings, scroll down to select enable plugin and select “on-demand”, this will enable the browser to look for flash only when required, learn about best antivirus for android to secure your device.

Application Crashes Very Often

This is one of the most annoying issue which occurs very often we suggest few steps to resolve the problem, click on menu button on the home screen, select settings ->applications -> Manage applications – select the app you are experiencing problems with, scroll down and click on “clear cache” this will clear all the temporary data app is currently holding, check if the issue is resolved if not then follow the above steps and now click on “clear data”, this makes app to release all the stored data app is holding,
Android settings
restart the phone if the issue still exist, launch task manager and uninstall the app and install a fresh copy from Google app store ( Google play ), it lets you download a copy again even if it is a paid app.

Downloading An App From The Market Takes For Ever

When you are downloading a large app and half way through it just stays there doesn’t move forward, you should cancel the download by dragging the Notification Bar down, press and hold the download notification, then click the Cancel Download button in the Market.Though there are many reason for this problem to occur including WiFi or cellular network. If you were on WiFi, switch to your cellular connection and switch back to WiFi and try, if that doesn’t work, restart the phone. It should fix the problem but if the issue persist you can try to download the app from developers site directly but this method is not recommended.
We hope these android settings, fixes help to resolve the annoying issues you encounter, don’t forget to share your experience dealing with these problems.