Posted by Talha Suleman : Talha Suleman Monday 25 August 2014

How to Add Amazon Ads to My Blog

If you've ever said to yourself, "I can't figure out how to add Amazon ads to my blog," then you'll be happy to know that there are some easy ways to set them up. Amazon ads can be confusing at first, but once you get the hang of it you'll be adding these ads like a pro.

About Amazon Ads offers so many different products that they have become the go-to company for bloggers looking to place affiliate advertisements on their blogs and make some money. From plain text ads that you can embed in your posts to larger ads with rotating products and photos, there are lots of options available.
Every time a reader clicks on one of your Amazon ads and ends up making a purchase, you earn a percentage of that purchase price as the referrer. Amazon doesn't pay for clicks through to their site, but the earning potential is very good for anyone who gets a steady stream of traffic to his or her blog.

How to Add Amazon Ads to My Blog

Now that you're asking yourself how to add Amazon ads to my blog, the first step is to register for an affiliate account. To do this, head over to the Amazon affiliate website and click on the "Join now for free!" button. You'll be asked some questions about your blog, how you'd like to be paid, and for basic info like your name and contact information.
Once you've been approved as an affiliate, you can begin choosing products and creating ads for your blog.

Amazon Widgets

The fastest and easiest way to get Amazon ads on your blog is to use their tools. Amazon is very proactive in creating new ways for bloggers to display their products, since it benefits everyone involved when sales are made. Log in to your affiliate account and spend some time reading the information there. You'll see tabs along the top of the page, which will lead you to instructions for creating different types of ads and text links.
Once you've selected the products and ad types you want for your blog, Amazon will generate the display and tracking codes for you. All you have to do then is copy the code and place it on your blog in the spot you want it to go. Common places for Amazon ads include:
  • Sidebars
  • Text links within posts
  • After the first comment
  • Header bars
  • Footer bars


Another way to incorporate Amazon ads in your blog is to create an aStore. These are small online shops that you can easily add to a blog or website, so your readers don't have to leave the site to browse for related products. As with all of their advertising options, Amazon walks you through creating and customizing an aStore through their affiliate website.

Choosing Products and Widgets

Once you've seen just how many different ways there are to use Amazon widgets on your blog, it's easy to get carried away and plaster them all over your pages. The best way to use these ads though is to take your time, carefully choose your products, and test the different display methods slowly.
Choosing products to advertise on your blog should be relatively easy. You'll want to recommend products that are related to your content, as well as products you can trust to suggest to your readers.
Once you've got a list of products to display, then you can choose the most fitting display style to present them on your blog. Use only one or two methods at first and track how well they do. If you're getting a lot of clicks but few purchases, consider adding more products. If you're not getting many clicks, then try a different widget.

Amazon Fits Almost Any Blog

Since Amazon sells so many different types of products through their online store, it's easy to find items that you could advertise on your blog. With all of the products and different ways to advertise them, Amazon ads are a great fit for almost any blog.

Sing Up For Earn Money 

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