Posted by Talha Suleman : Talha Suleman Wednesday 20 August 2014

5 Common Errors in HTML Tags That you Should Avoid

Many believe that to start creating an online blog is not necessary to have basic knowledge in languages ​​like HTML or CSS as platforms help us set up a blog quickly and easily with clicks and a wizard.

The truth is that to some extent this can be achieved, however it is important to know what is written in codes on our blogs and knowing that generates what we can see, so much so that we can customize and edit our blog.

The truth is that until we download free templates containing errors to correct in order to validate your HTML and CSS blog, is not mandatory but it is good to have a clean code. If you are using WordPress often generate code that also install the plugins that come with some semantic errors in the HTML which we find it a little difficult to watch for labels misused.
Consider the following important list of 5 common mistakes of HTML that we should try to avoid:

Missing ALT in images

Some of the common mistakes that shows our original source of the post is " Do not use " ALT tag on images . This tag is not only important to improve SEO and positioning of our paper containing the image , but the picture itself .

Another reason why we should use ALT images of our blog is because the content within ALT loads faster on slow connections and our users have idea of ​​what the image is .

Remember to use descriptive ALT text and guidance .

NOT use lists when necessary

This is a common and incorrect practice when writing code in a static HTML page without using an HTML editor that generates a code , eg Notepad . Using lists as LI or OL is amount and we should avoid using breaks BR lines within paragraphs .

Bold labels .

Another common practice to use bold in HTML is to use the label B, although this view generates bold text we want, the best practice is to use the Strong tag.

Using labels styles within

Remember that the code within the CSS blog or site must go into a proper structure. The CSS code should go before the site header (head ) separating the body of the blog or website .

Another common use case is wrong and styles within other tags , such as using STYLE in a H2 header . The correct way is to use a class or layer to give the styles that should go in a separate structure .

Using edges within a tag .

When we add a link to an image the first thing that comes to mind to take the edge of color, in the style of HREF is add the Border = " 0" option to the image. This is a serious error of validation or semantic HTML . If you intend to use or remove borders within images you must do so from the CSS style sheet within the header of the blog .

These are just a few of the most common errors in blogging

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